
Well Known Member
This has to do with AP. For some reason, when I go check the entries resulting from vouchers, the first line of detail is always inflated by some amount. When I go to the voucher itself, everything looks fine. Well, after some analysis, I noticed the amount that inflates the first line of the entry (when I enquire on the JE) happens to always be equal to the to tax, no matter which G/L account is hit.
The trouble really is those transactions have been posted in the past and everything was OK. I can't see what could've happened to update posted entries...
Any help?
Could it be that you have a self assessed tax. For example you deal with
a vendor from another tax jurisdiction. Since you are from another state
the vendor doesn't charge their state sales tax, however you are still
suppose to pay a 7% sales tax for your own state for which the business
unit is liable for. Therefore if you had a voucher from them of $100.00
your actual charges to the business unit in the G/L would be $107.00 while
the voucher total would still be $100.00 .

Michael Kenney
IT Services
University of Windsor

This has to do with AP. For some reason, when I go check the entries
resulting from vouchers, the first line of detail is always inflated by
some amount. When I go to the voucher itself, everything looks fine. Well,
after some analysis, I noticed the amount that inflates the first line of
the entry (when I enquire on the JE) happens to always be equal to the to
tax, no matter which G/L account is hit.
The trouble really is those transactions have been posted in the past and
everything was OK. I can't see what could've happened to update posted
entries...Any help?
Thanks for your reply. I think I've identified the cause of the problem. It's basically a program that was run for a totally different purpose. However, because of some flaws in it, it goes un directly updates the files... It's scary now because it's changed tons and tons of records. We're currently looking into how to fix it, yet the big issue is how to fix the damaged lines...
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