Anyone Using Visual Studio 2010 for E1 9.0 and TR 89831?



Well Known Member
Hello Fellow Bold JDE Consultants!

My question for the day is anyone using VS2010 as their business function compiler for E1 on Deployment and Enterprise Servers (workstations too I guess) with 9.0 and 8983.X?

I know the compiler is not yet supported but I have a customer who insists on laying it down on the assumption that Oracle will "eventually" 'have' to support it.

I am collecting information to basically say to them it's probably a bad idea and I have given them a few of what I thought were good reasons but maybe if I can provide real world concern and pain, they may change their mind.

We have tried installing VS2008 base (not SP1) on Windows 2008 R2 64 bit which was not going well, so any experience or wisdom about VS2010 or VS2008 would be greatly appreciated. My understanding is the SP1 edition of VS2008 is supported but I can't even install base VS2008 (this was on R2) and incorporating the SP1 piece seemed like jury-rigging. Also, the package management guide reference document - even for 898 makes references to VS2005 not VS2008.

By the way, we have re-built the Dep Server to use Win 2008 Standard SP2 to be consistent across servers since for some bizarre reason Oracle doesn't support R2 on web or database servers (I may have missed it in the MTR) but they do for Dep and Ent (logic) server.

Thanks in advance.

Joe Tirado
Senior CNC Consultant.
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