Anyone running E1 8.10 w/V6R1?

Stephen McClenney

Anyone running, or have a customer running E1 8.10 w/V6R1? I am planning an upgrade, and have confirmed the MTR's say it's okay, Oracle says it's okay, but I would love to talk to someone who is currently running it. We are going to upgrade our TR to 8.98 to accomidate it.
Our 8.10 is running on V5R4. We have another division of our company upgrading from 8.0 to 8.12 with 8.98.2 on V6R1. Go live will be in about 4 months.
Upgraded E8.10/8.94 to E8.10/8.98 from platform V5R2 to V5R4. Tested fine and go live since Aug'09.
xiseesxis, got a status update on your go-live project? How did it go?
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