Any examples of getCustomerItemPrice (J4200040) web service call?



Well Known Member
No previous experience with BSSV publishing or calling one so I am in the dark on this but I don't think I need to do a deep dive to get what we need and just need to call a web service that is there. The getCustomerItemPrice (J4200040) web service is already provided so if we can pass the Customer, Item, Quantity and get the price that should work. So I am checking to see if someone else has done this or knows about it.

A sample of the call to this web service would be what I am looking to find.

This BSSV is delivered with JDE as part of the JP420000 sales order BSSV that has been published. I can see JP420000 published using P9603 and the getCustomerItemPrice is under it, but not sure if it is published with it or needs more to get it to work. Thinking if we can try to call it we will find out if it is there and working and if not I will need to do more to get it there.

Any feedback on this is appreciated.


After deploy JP420000 BSSV with getCustomerItemPrice checked, in weblogic you can get the WSDL and test with SoapUI. You could see SoapUI tutorials to test, it's easy.

As alfredorz said, you can test the calls to the BSSV services with SOAP UI. You will need to configure user authentication within SOAP UI to receive a response.

Additionally, as I recall, a bit of trial and error was required to determine the required fields, however here's an example of the call with very few fields supplied.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:eek:rac="http://oracle.e1.bssv.JP420000/">
Examples of external 3rd party call to JDE BSSV


After deploy JP420000 BSSV with getCustomerItemPrice checked, in weblogic you can get the WSDL and test with SoapUI. You could see SoapUI tutorials to test, it's easy.


Hi Alfredorz,

Yes I looked at the SOAPUI and was testing it. What I was looking for was an example of a stored procedure call or C type call from an external third party application to this web service being used already. We are going with an alternate solution and no longer will go this route so I am no longer looking at it. But appreciate the response.

Thanks for the feedback.


I've never called webservice from stored procedure or C, I called from jde to external ws (you can see this tutorial) and c#. So you should find specific tutorials for stored procedures or C.

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