Annual Close Report Ok To Split by Company and OBJ?


Active Member
First, I am NOT an accountant or strong in GL. So if this question seems off please forgive.

We run the R098201 Annual Close Report nightly for most of Jan/Feb. The time to process our company 1 is killing me during backups, nearly 9 hours every night. Currently we run 4 queues and break the close into all of our different companies, that works well except for our Company 1. Can we go further and split company 1 into 4 different jobs based on OBJ? Have each job process in a different queue at the same time? I have an 4 cpu dual core enterprise server to process jobs at night, so If I can split the job into mutli jobs it will process much faster.

My understanding is the Annual close just rolls balances forward to the new year so I don't see the harm as long as each job is working on a different range of object accounts.


The lowest that you can split this job is by Company - It would not be
advisable to split it by Object Acount. However I would strongly query
the need to run it on a nightly basis as this seems excessive. Perhaps
you can speak to your Accountanting Department and run this process less
frequently during this period - either as required or on a weekly


Colleen Biddlecombe
Manager: Enterprise Applications
Deloitte Consulting (Pty) Ltd
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