ALPH in multiple languages


Hi Listers,

Can we have ALPH in multiple languages like item desc?

we have a scenario where we have to store ALPH in Chinese. We found that we can store double byte languages in ALP1 field. Still, it creates a provision to keep one language. What if we have to store Japanese as well along with Chinese?

Please add your inputs.

Thanks in advance!

I have been working on this as well. We found that ALP1 is the only standard alternative. Need to set Special Hanlding code on UDC 01/LP to a 2 or a 3 for simplified chinses to get this field to display on the screen for users who have simplified chinese as their language preference. However, if you want to load an additional alpha name or address, you can add a Who's Who record and an alternate address. You will need customization to use this address however.

Thanks for your Confirm. Sad to see JDE hasnt provided the provision for ALPH multiple launguages. I would like if we had a provision like it gives for Item descriptions.

Thanks again!!
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