AAI Payable Missing or setup wrong



I'm a Business Analyst and we are not receiving very good support for our problem. We are One World 8.11SP1. Here is the problem:
Prior to this 2009 refund, the last SECD refund that was generated from Company 406 Business Unit 2631 was when all of our companies including 406 ran through Company 102 bank account. In January 2008, the non-profits were broken out of company 102 because of the CRA regulations regarding ‘co-mingling’. Because the business units in companies 398 and 406 co-own the property we call Kiwanis Manor, these two companies both run through company 398.1120. When we did refunds prior to 2008, there was no problem with the refunds from company 406, I’m thinking that the issue may have something to do with how things were set up when we broke these companies out of 102 and set them up under 398/406 intercompany.

We receive the error messages and wanting to know how to correct these.
2631.. does not exist in the Account Master file (F0901). NOTE:
If you get this error message on a discount amount, it is
indicating that the account numbers set up in the Automatic
Accounting Instructions are invalid. The AAI records being
validated against are PKD/PKL for Accounts Payable and RKD for
Accounts Receivable. If business unit is not defined in the
AAI accounts, the program will use the business unit from the
voucher/invoice. If the error message is on adjustment reason
in cash receipts, the same holds true about the AAI account
number being invalid for the adjustment reason entered. If you
get this error message on a job being c

Error: AAI missing
CAUSE . . . . The Automatic Accounting Instruction (AAI) for company
does not exist.
RESOLUTION . Add the missing AAI through the Automatic Accounting
Instructions program.
For OneWorld: If currency is on, the currency code will be evaluated, if
passed. If Allow Multi-Currency Intercompany Transactions is on in the General
Accounting Constants, then if the company currency code is different than
company zero, and no AAI is set up for the company, the account for company

Any help would be appreciated
You do not say what actual program is running when you receive the error message but it appears to be the P0411. However, the message is universal among several programs. The bottom line is that the AAI is most probably concatenating a business unit with an existing AAI object account and this combination does not exist in the F0901 – GL Master File. This is the most common error when making the setup changes you indicated. The second most common one is the missing AAI . You need to follow the logic of the program and how it determines the AAI account. Your intuition that it has something to do with how things are setup when you broke the companies is probably correct. If need be, you can always have a developer use debug to see what the values of the business unit, object account, subsidiary and AAI value is at the time it errors.
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