8.0 to 9.0 upgrade


Hi all,

We are planning on upgrading from ERP8.0 to 9.0. I was wondering if someone can help me with the following questions:

1. Can we upgrade 8.0 to 9.0 on the same box and keep both working at the same time? Our plan is to upgrade 8.0 to a 9.0 DV environment, retrofit changes and start using the 9.0 environment when we are comfortable with it.

2. We were told that we cannot use the 8.0 environment once it was used to upgrade to 9.0? Is that true? We were wondering how other companies do it.

Thanks for your replies.

Libu Joseph.

1. First, it depends on MTRs.

For example, ERP 8.0 on Windows requires Visual C++ 6.0
while JDE 9.0 requires Visual Studio .NET

There may also be OS or DB incompatibilities, you have
to check MTR list for both ERP 8.0 and JDE 9.0

That's the main reason why people prefer to install them
on separate boxes.

2. Hardware resources

On the other hand, your servers should have enough
CPU, RAM and disk to accomodate both releases, which
is not always the case on ERP 8.0 which consumes far
less resources than JDE 9.0

3. Yes, once you upgrade an environment (let's say
DV7334 to DV90), it's no longer usable to ERP 8.0

The cause is that most master tables data structure
is modified : new columns or indexes are added which
make them unreadable to ERP 8.0

Once again, easiest solution is to use a separate set
of servers.

Be aware that most upgrades are done on environment at
a time. First you upgrade DV7334 to DV90, you check
everything, then you upgrade PY7333 to PY90 and
finally PD7334 to PD90. PS90 is installed "out of the box"

What you need in this case is a product like "iBox" from "The iConsortium".

It is a virtual appliance with pre-installed JDE ecosystem. It can save your time and effort of upgrade as well allow you to do play with your DV objects and retrofit them without disturbing your existing JDE 8.0 machine.

Let me know if you need more information about this product.

As Sebastion pointed out - you will probably discover that you will need a seperate set of servers for your upgrade. Most companies use the release upgrade as an opportunity to upgrade their hardware as well. In the big scheme of things, the hardware cost is one of the smaller issues.

On the TV this morning, they were talking about the annual cost to drive a car. Most people think about just the gas, forgetting to factor in depreciation, wear and tear, car insurance, car payments..... Same thing with a major upgrade, there are a lot of costs involved, the hardware is a small piece.

- Gregg
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