Login Page does not appear


Active Member
Hi All,

We are installing the JDE 8.12/8.96. We have finished install plan with status 60. Also, we setup APP/HTML server. We can login WebSphere console page. However, the login page is not accessible. It looks that we don't start the HTML service.

Have someone encountered a similar case?

You've installed WebSphere, but what are you using for the HTTP Server? IBM HTTP Server, IIS, or something else? You finished running Installation Workbench, but have you actually installed the JAS portion of the Tools Release to the JAS Server?
Thank you for your input.

We are using IBM HTTP Server for the HTTP Server. We have installed HTML Web Server also. However, we cannot find Web Application (EA_JS_[portNumber]_[machineName]) in Websphere console.

Do you have any idea?
If you cannot see the JDE JAS application when you look through the WAS Admin Console, then something went wrong with your install. Take a look at your WebSphere directory. Navigate through the directory structure and see if you can find the EA_JS_ ... .war directory.