Help developing a report in Oneworld using RDA.


Hello everyone, I hope you can help.

I need to create a report that will show items that were not cycle counted within a date range specified by a user. Next if an item was not cycle counted withing the date range and shows up on the report, then show the last cycle count date.

Can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks for you help in advance.

I'm pulling my data from F4141.

Jovix, If you have all the parts in F4141 you simply want to pull all parts where CNTJ is null, CNTJ is < your beging date or > your end date. I would assume you would do this for one Cycle Count #. Any record that fails, you would need to go back to the CARDEX (F4111) and pull the most recent PI record for that part. If I'm understanding you.