Has anyone installed SP23_L1?

The Client has the .exe under Disk 1. The Server does not because you just
copy and replace directories. Make sure you have the instructions.

Joy Fernandez, System Administrator

Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc.

P.O. Box 1

Johnson City, Texas 78636-0001


If you are talking about the Client install the setup.exe is in the Disk1 folder after unzip the file. You'll have to more specific if you are talking about a server install.

Installing SP23_M1

1. Go back to the Update Center where you downloaded the Service Pack.

2. Find the Service Pack SP23_M1 again and click on the name. This will take you to the SP23_M1 Documentation page.

3. Click on the Online Documentation link. This will take you to the SP23 Tools Release Readme page.

4. At this point, you can choose to use the Change Assistant or download the Installation Guide. In either case, click on the appropriate Click here link. If you choose the Installation Guide, it will take you to a full list of guides.

5. Click on the SP23 One-Offs link. If you do not get a PDF file at this point, you did something wrong. Go back to step 1.
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