Re: Using Mult Time Zone stamping for purchase orders, sales


VIP Member
Re: Using Mult Time Zone stamping for purchase orders, sales


I come from a Unix environment and I always understood Timezone as a USER
specific setting, not machine specific. A machine should always store GMT
and calculate a user´s date and time according to his/her TZ setting. NT
is not very different. I can only guess that AS/400 should have some
similar features.
What platform are your app servers going to be? I know on Unix it is very
easy to have different batch queues running in different TZs. On NT I
have experimented with the same and I think that would be possible too.
No need to have an extra server for each TZ, just different queues. This
is for UBEs and app servers.

Now as for your JAS I do not know. I know it is possible (and even
recommended) to run several "Websphere Application Servers" on different
IP ports like 81,82,83, etc (these are NOT OW application servers nor
JDENET port numbers). I would not know how to tell each of these
Websphere App-servers to run in different timezones.

There is no way to map BSFNs to run on your JAVA-Server. And the "CALL
OBJECT KERNELs" (Kernels running the BSFN) are all started by the same
user on the OW-app-server, the same user that starts JDENET. So they will
all have the same TZ setting.

Looks like a tough problem. Let us know how far you get.

re[2]: Using Mult Time Zone stamping for purchase orders, sales

Hi Gerd,

Can you elaborate on how you set up different batch queues running in different time zones? Maybe I'm able to apply it to Win2000 servers.

OneWorld Xe, SP 17.1, Win2000, SQL 7

>> Kent,

>> I come from a Unix environment and I always understood Timezone as a USER
>> specific setting, not machine specific. A machine should always store GMT
>> and calculate a user´s date and time according to his/her TZ setting. NT
>> is not very different. I can only guess that AS/400 should have some
>> similar features.
>> What platform are your app servers going to be? I know on Unix it is very
>> easy to have different batch queues running in different TZs. On NT I
>> have experimented with the same and I think that would be possible too.
>> No need to have an extra server for each TZ, just different queues. This
>> is for UBEs and app servers.

>> Now as for your JAS I do not know. I know it is possible (and even
>> recommended) to run several "Websphere Application Servers" on different
>> IP ports like 81,82,83, etc (these are NOT OW application servers nor
>> JDENET port numbers). I would not know how to tell each of these
>> Websphere App-servers to run in different timezones.

>> There is no way to map BSFNs to run on your JAVA-Server. And the "CALL
>> OBJECT KERNELs" (Kernels running the BSFN) are all started by the same
>> user on the OW-app-server, the same user that starts JDENET. So they will
>> all have the same TZ setting.

>> Looks like a tough problem. Let us know how far you get.

>> Gerd
>> --------------------------
RE: Using Mult Time Zone stamping for purchase orders, sales


how to run UBEs on the same server, however in different timezones?
Here´s my attempt for Unix and for NT.

On Unix system it is an easy task. Just needs some editing of the script.


echo " Starting OneWorld batch queues..."
$SYSTEM/bin32/ $OWQUE1 UBE 10 & # start first queue with TZ
TZ_SAVE=$TZ # save original TZ value
TZ="MST" # set TZ to new value
$SYSTEM/bin32/ $OWQUE2 UBE 10 & # start second queue
TZ="PST" # set TZ to another value
$SYSTEM/bin32/ $OWQUE3 UBE 10 & # start third queue
TZ=$TS_SAVE # restore TZ if necessary

One needs to know that environment variables, like TZ, are inherited by
child processes. If TZ is set to "MST" in it's shell (which is the
RunOneWorld script in this case), the queue started in the next line will
know that TZ is "MST". And all processes started from this queue, which
are the UBEs put into this queue, will inherit this TZ value.

On NT this is a bit harder and one has to put on the old cowboy hat.

The basic idea is:
- install the q-services (jdesque) twice with different names each
- run each q-service with its own jde.ini file, under different NT users

the details:
Install the services (jdesnet and jdesque) normally.
Edit jde.ini, setting StartServicePrefix= to something like "Second Q
Install the q-service (only jdesque, not jdesnet) again. It will show in
your services with the new name. Restore your JDE.INI as it was.

Now create two JDE.INI files, each having different queues.
Start the network and first q-service.
Save the first jde.ini file and copy the second jde.ini in place.
Start the second q-service.
(It is known that JDENET cannot live twice on one machine. That is due to
the fact that jdenet listens on a certain IP port. No two processes can
listen to the same port on a single machine. Jdeque processes, however,
do not listen on any IP port, they poll the job master table. Therefore
they do not have such restrictions.)

Lets say your first jde.ini shows


and your second jde.ini is


I would guess here, that if I started my two q-services under two
different NT-users, having different timezone settings, QB7333 and QTZ_1
would run in one TZ, QTZ_2 in another.
I have not tried this out yet with TZ, but I have been able to run queues
from two different services with different ini settings, like q-delay.

The ugly part to this approach is the manual copying back and forth of
two different jde.ini files. But it works! It probably can be automated
with a script.

This approach is not the same as multiple-foundation. I do not need
different IP ports for the two q-services.

I have tried out the Unix part and some of the NT ideas. If somebody
could give me some feedback if the TZ ideas really work for NT I would be
very happy.

I do not recommend the above procedures for a production environment!

Thanks, Gerd
re[2]: Using Mult Time Zone stamping for purchase orders, sales


Thanks for the example.


>> Tet,

>> how to run UBEs on the same server, however in different timezones?
>> Here´s my attempt for Unix and for NT.

>> On Unix system it is an easy task. Just needs some editing of the
>> script.

>> Example:

>> OWENV="PD7333"
>> OWQUE1="QB7333"
>> OWQUE2="Q_TZ1"
>> OWQUE3="Q_TZ2"