Copy Menus to Tasks


Reputable Poster
I looked through the Everest Software web page and didn't find any tools for this, so I thought I'd take a stab at asking. Does anyone know of a tool that will allow for the copying of menus in XE to tasks in 8.12?
Hey Charles!

In Xe, make a new version of R9000C. Change the default environments listed to match your environments. That will replicate your oneworld menus over to Solution Explorer OneWorld task view. If your menus were anything like mine, you will need to do some cleanup of the menus. Once they are clean, the 8.12 conversion process will use the new menus which are now in the 9000 series tables.

I wrote a whitepaper on that process a few years back, I'll dig it up and send it to you off-line. Or if you subscribed to JDEtips Journal, you can download it from there. I'll be going through the whole process on our test system in the next month or so, I'll update my whitepaper and add in the 8.12 changes.
