ldap and password exipirations

Carol C

I understand that E1 and ldap can't talk to each other as far as passing password expiration messages back to the user. Does anyone know of a way to do this, third party or any other way?

At least in E1 8.12 tools 8.96.something - E1 will attempt to validate the
password against a valid user and password in Active Directory...

There is no mechanism for resetting your password 'internally' within E1 -
it has to be reset/re-enabled from the Windows Workstation or from an
account administrator. Within E1 you cannot enable/disable a user or reset
the password... However, I did have a client that wanted to disable user
accounts in E1 - and we created a custom application for doing that.

Notes: Windows Passwords have to be less than 11 characters or logins will
fail - gophigure!

