Access EOne From PDA Phones


Hi All,

Could EOne web client or Portal client can be accessed from PDA and PDA Phones, for example, Pocket PC or Windows Mobile? I test on my environment it can display the login page but could not login. I'm using 8.9 currently.

Accessing OW/E1 from PDA phones can be tricky, and performance depends on
the network GSM/GPR/CDMA.. Looks like you connection timing out.

Devi Misra
[email protected]
Yes, but...

There a innumerable IMPLEMENTATION issues with doing JDE on handhelds. Connectivity is just one. You need to work with a good third party vendor (BlueDot, DSI, Fieldcentrix, yadayada) to do it right.
I haven't heard of a good process to connect handhelds directly to E1... but I won't let you hang.

I have a couple buddies that access using GoToMyPC for handheld and connecting to a remote PC (the remote pc has JDE Installed). This solves two issues. First - you don't have to install anything JDE (or web activex) on the handheld. More importantly - if you lose your connection to the remote pc, you do not lose your work!

Please refer to Corollary 4 of Rule 4 of Netiquette for JDEList. In particular, "Do not post ... product advertisements". Thank you.


Corollary 1: It's OK to think that what you're doing at the moment is the most important thing in the universe, but don't expect anyone else to agree with you.
Corollary 2: Before you post, search! It is highly probable that your question has been asked and answered before. Use the JDEList web site and search the forums for your issue prior to posting the same question again.
Corollary 3: Post messages to the appropriate forum. If you expect to get help here, post to the right forum. OW Programming questions go to the OneWorld / XE Developers forum. OW Technical questions belong in the One World / XE forum. Application Questions go to the One World / XE and World forum. World Technical questions belong in the World forum.
Corollary 4: Do not post virus warnings, chain letters, jokes, position openings, product advertisements, etc to the list/forum.
Corollary 5: Take private discussions offline rather than sharing with the group.
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Corollary 8: If you are on the mailing list, please do not broadcast the fact that you are out of the office to the rest of us. Set your "Out of Office" email to NOT send responses to email from
I got this email as a reply to my post to this thread.

I hope the rules are followed for everyone and without any bias. It is a
great forum and I do not want to be seen as a rule breaker.

I have seen people sending email with long tails (email, website ..Member of
this ..member of that....). I have seen people promoting their services,
products .. Hope that stops too...

Please let me know what earns that previledge, I will see if I can earn that


Don't forget Corollary 5 of Rule 4 of Netiquette for JDEList - become an email subscriber and respond offline to people when you want to blatently advertise (or pass along something that might be construed as a blatent advertisement).

Oh yea, I just remembered Corollary 6, the payback rule, "if thou sendith too many blatent ads to our beloved list, the spam gods shall smite thee with a thousand out of office messages to thine cell phone or blackberry!!!! Beware the power of the spam god!!!"

Ok, maybe one too many beers at dinner.....
I see a difference between advertising a product and mentioning a product.

JDELIST Guidelines:
References to commercial products should be restricted to name and contact.

You are welcome to put your companies URL in your sig. Sigs should not contain job requests, company slogans or product pitches. Sigs should contain system configuration information.
Yes they can, I have a customer using handhelds with Pocket PC and logging directly into E1 (8.10 version) just some php scripting and it works fine !!
I want to shamelessly plug another small company, called Oracle Corp. and give a starting point for research on their view and approach to disconnected clients (including laptops, etc):

Mobile Sync

(an older statement) Solution ID: 200823251 (on the same website)
OK, back to the topic at hand. I thought the remote access (generically, to avoid naming names)solution was clever when I first read it, but as I though about it, it wouldn't digest completely. This morning I finally realized why - it doesn't scale. It will work fine for a user who wants to use their PDA as a secondary device to their PC, but it won't work in a shop floor or field service application where the PDA access is integral to the business process. Someone has to keep all those desktops somewhere to remote into, 1 per user. I still believe that if you are looking for something more than occassional casual access via PDA or smartphone, you will need to go through an implementation process.