Hot Deploy Tool


Has anyone out there tested the new Hot Deploy Tool from Pastuhov Consulting? I would like to get some feedback before I spend my hundred bucks.

I am also interested in the feedback from someone who is using it. Seems like a good product to avoid the down-time for object type that need only client packages, but it seems that packages need to be build for object types that need Enterprise server deployment( UBEs etc).

I have purchased and used the tool to deploy a few projects containing UBE's, UBE Version, and UBE templates. It works great. It is much faster than deploying an update package or doing advanced gets from a developer logon. It would be nice to be able to deploy BSFN's, but having the tool build these on the Citrix server could be too cumbersome. Otherwise it was worth the $99 bucks per server.

Thanks Alex,

I am using this tool. Just drop the App or UBE into a special project and it is deployed to the terminal server - nothing else to do. Really cool. It's a must have if you want to increase productivity. Would be nice to achieve the same for the server side (UBE's) although you don't have to log off users when u deploy a server package.
Thanks to Alex Pastuhov for a great tool.

we've been using the HotDeploy tool for a couple months now, and it has really saved us a heap of time for us.

In particular - when a BA changes some data selection on a UBE we used to have to log into each Citrix Server and get the specs. This used to happen once or twice a day during heavy development periods and could easily take 15+ minutes, and you'd get interrupted and forget which servers still had to be done. Now, we just put the versions in a project - click an icon on our desktop and all servers are up to date in seconds.

We've also used the tool for deploying updates to Citrix Servers as documented in the product spec, and it does this very well - eliminating down time on many occaisions.

This is the handiest piece of software i've used for a while - whoever thought of it deserves a pat on the back

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