XE SP23 and Websphere 4.0


Active Member
We are currently upgrading from SP22 XE Coexistance to SP23_K1.

Currently we are still on the original Websphere installation of 4.0.4 for our JAS server.

MTR for SP23 says Websphere 5.0.2

Phase 2 is to upgrade to websphere 5.0.2 within the next month after we have the SP23 upgrade stabilized.

Qusetion is, has anyone run an SP23 upgrade using the 4.0 version of websphere or will we have to do both the SP23 upgrade and the Websphere upgrade at the same time?

Thanks for your help.
We are currently running SP23_C1 XE Coexistance with Websphere 4.0.6 for our JAS server (Win2000). See signature...

grrrrr...I was under the impression in the SP 22 JAS info that websphere 4.0 wasn't supported.