Work Orders - Hierarchy EQ Tree View


New User

Does anyone have information on using the Equipment/Component Display (program P12017) as a base for work order entry. I want users to be able to use this view to find equipment they want the work order to log to and then create the WO.
I use this. The issue you will run into when trying to create a work order entry row exit from this screen is that the event rules to populate the WO from the equipment record are in the Control Exited and Changed Inline Event. Because the WO entry form opens with the equipment number populated by the form interconnect, the field is not changed and therefor the event rules do not get invoked. Fixing this would require a fundamental re-design of the WO entry form.

The best solution I have come up with is to use the service order row exit, copy (Ctrl-C) the equipment number from the WO Backlog header, hit Add, Paste the EQ #, and then enter the WO.
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