What String length makes it a Blob


I need to add a field with extensive string length (1000 charcaters+). I created a new data item, then added it to my custom table but when I create a BSVW and select the columns in that table my long string data item cannot be selected because the view designer says its a blob.

My question are these:

What makes a string data item be considered a blob? Length? If so what length is the cutoff?

Unless you explicitly state that a column is a BLOB, JDB will auto convert your column to a BLOB if its length exceeds the max VARCHAR/CHAR type length of a column for a specific database. The reason for this is that different DBs have different max lengths, so JDB, being DB agnostic as it is, takes care of thatt for you underneath the covers. Check the max length for VARCHAR/CHAR type for the DB that you are using and the JDB max will be close to that.

I am running into this same issue, namely, the BSVW design aid does not allow me to add a field defined as 2000-character string...saying "A Blob Column cannot be selected for use in a Business View".

I am on 8.10 running SQL Server 2008. The field is being converted to a sql datatype of varchar(2000), which I assume is the reason E1 considers it a blob field.

So does anyone know the number-of-character limit of an E1 string that doesn't get interpreted as a blob?

I tend to think this is happening in the JDB layer as opposed to the DB because according to the SQL documentation, a char datatype can have 8000 characters.

Update: I decided to do some trial and error:
2000 characters - not allowed to add to bsvw
1000 characters - allowed
1500 characters - allowed
1999 characters - allowed
2000 characters - not allowed

It appears 1999 is the limit...on my current config anyway.

I changed the DD item to be 1990 and rebuilt the table and the SQL dataype is still varchar, so that doesn't appear to be the deciding factor in E1 deciding if it's a blob field.
Did you find out the correct answer? I have the same issue and have created a call with Oracle for an answer - let's see what they get back with. thanks - sheeb
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