Way to Change Account Number on Voucher


Well Known Member
Hi List,

When user created a voucher with PO match, and found out that the account number wasn't correct. User added a second line to reverse the original line, then add a third line for the right account number. However, after posted the batch, and wrote it to check, found out, on the check shows 3 lines, for example, 100, -100 and 100 and the total is 100. Although the total amount on the check is correct, it's really confusing by showing 3 lines. And also, when running the General Ledger Post Report - R09801, it showing an a line with blank credit and debit with a number 1 under the units column. Does anyone can tell me what Units here is used for?

Does anyone know an alternative way to change account number on Voucher? and how can we avoid seeing the line which blank credit and debit on the R09801 report? and only show one line on the check?

Thank you very much.
I would think the correct way to address a wrong account number woud be to reverse the voucher and re-key it with the correct information.
Other than voiding the voucher, reversing the receipt, change the GL account
on the PO, and then re-receive the item, we know of no other way to fix
this. We put the ball back in the court of those who chose the wrong GL

C.S. Hall
One World Xe SP 22
Fat (Citrix) & Web clients
That's what we told user to do now. In the report R09801, there is one column - Units. Do you know what this filed used for? sometimes in the report showing a value "1", sometimes not?

Thank you for your help.
During the matching process, AP is matching both units and dollars. So if Receiving receives a total of 100 units, and the invoice come in at 75 units for $100 AP will match 75 units for $100. The units and the GL and printed on the remittance. There may be some types of orders where units are not ordered (like a fixed price contract for a service) and there will be no units to match so it will not be passed to the GL. So you may want to look at the PO to see if units are there or not.

I like your orginal questions since we also do the line reversal and add a new line to change the account number. It's ugly and there should be a better way to override the voucher with the correct account number

Xe Update 6, SP18.1 Oracle 8.1.7, Citrix, NT4 sp6a
Whenever thear are units stored with a JE line, hat information is written to the AU ledger and stored in F0911 by account ans document.

budLL <[email protected]> wrote:That's what we told user to do now. In the report R09801, there is one column - Units. Do you know what this filed used for? sometimes in the report showing a value "1", sometimes not? Thank you for your help.
OneWorld XE SP 19
Fat Client - Window 2000 SP2.0
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World, OW B733X and Xe
I believe that may be referring to the units ledger for that ledger

Tim Boatwright
[email protected]

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ES - AS400 JAS - Http Server/Win2000
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