Voucher Matching


Active Member
We have a problem with overwriting tax when matching vouchers. A user logs a single line taxable order. When the invoice is received it is noted that the order is only partially taxable. In World you can overwrite the tax at the voucher matching stage but we cannot find a way to do it in OneWorld (other than changing the original order, which is not an option). If anyone has overcome this problem I would be grateful for assistance.

we encountered the same problem some time ago. The answer I got from GSS was that we had to reverse the receipt change the order and receipt again and vouvhermatch. I explained to them that this was unacceptable and a SAR was raised nr 6580683 which is for the moment in status 11 Pending Review.

Please, all of you who read this post and think it is a necessaraly functionality, add your name to this SAR.

Thanks a lot in advance. And success.
Add to Cache 42UI12 Failed

Hi Group,

I have written a report which copies an existing sale order (Thru Sale Order MBF) to a new one with some modifications. It was working well but suddenly some strange errors started to pop out..

when it started erroring, I checked thru ER debugger. Begin Doc and Pre process went successfully (Error code was zero). Edit Line was erroring out(checked with the error code, had a value 2) and the work center gave an error "Add to Cache F42UI12 failed".

I debugged the UBE in ER followed by C code debugger. During debug, i saw an error in the below line


This is in Begin Doc, in the internal function "I4200310_ValidateAndGetBP"'s last line. An error meesage window popped up and gave the following message

"The Thread 0x53C has exited with code (0x1)"

But the Work Center message (thru PPAT handler) still give me the same error

"Add to Cache F42UI12 failed".

And now the pdf o/p shows a new error as below.

"EventRule : Business Function F4211FSBeginDoc at line 29 for Event 13 in Section On Order by Sales ID- Header has caused a memory violation."

Any help asap will be highly helpful.

we r on b7334.

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