vertex setup help


Active Member
Has anyone set vertex on OW 7332 nt sql. It seems
that the JDE help on this subject is lacking. We are
looking for help getting the P7308 connection correct.
Right now we cannot even connect to vertex.

I've setup Vertex a few times on different releases and databases. Are you
setting up Vertex to run locally or on the server?
Are you installing Quantum for Payroll or Quantum for Sales Tax?

In all cases, when you install don't use the 'X:\Program Files\Quantum For
Payroll Tax' or 'X:\Program Files\Quantum For Sales Tax' directory. Instead
install it to X:\Program Files\Vertex. This should make it easier to follow
the rest of the Vertex instructions since all of them reference the install
being to the 'Vertex' directory rather than the 'Quantum for..... '

Also, have you changed the environment variables to add the path to the
Vertex Utils directory? Following the instructions above this would be
X:\Program Files\Vertex\Util.

Addionally are you using the ISAM database for Vertex or another format? I
know Oracle is supported but I don't know whether SQL is or not. You might
want to check and make sure.

To finish the Vertex install, after installing the software you'll need to
do the following:
1. Create the database
- create this in X:\Program Files\Vertex\db using the database maintenance
2. Populate the database -
-create a directory called data under vertex and copy the Vertex data files
-use the database update program to populate X:\Program Files\Vertex\db from
X:\Program Files\Vertex\data
3. Test the database with Diagnostic Utility

In P7308 make sure that all users can read from the share if you want all
users to be able to use this information. For Sales Tax you'll likely want
everyone to be able to read but for Payroll you may want something else.
It's just tax codes so we let everyone read from the share. For example, if
your're running Vertex Payroll on the Enterprise server using an ISAM
database you need to share the Vertex, or Vertex\db directory on the
Enterprise server. I just share the Vertex directory and everything under it
as 'Vertex$'. Then in P7308, enter the name of this share
(\\servername\Vertex$\db) and the server name. Note: you can use different
paths for Sales Tax and Payroll Tax.

Hope this helps,

You need a special set up on connection:

Vertex Connect Parameters
Data Source: VERTEXDB.
(important notice end sentence with .dot. Vertex call #265945)
Server Name: dsver ( This is ODBC Data Source )
User: your user
Password: your password

Hope this helps

The Premier Group