Using workfile in Report


Active Member
Hi! I need to use a workfile in a custom report i'm designing. I wanted to know if is there any way to use temporary workfiles (a file created when the report executes and that is destroyed when it finishes) or i need to create a custom table that lives forever in the DB!!
I'm using JDE Oneworld XE.
Thanks a lot!!
Unfortunate to say, however you will need to create a perm table, Let me know if yu need more explanation
Hi Juan,

Check the Create Table and Drop Table BSFNs in the B9800200 source module. Maybe they will do that.

I suppose, P9860A OMW Object Librarian use them on the Table Operations tab when you enter to the Table Design form. You can investigate it there, how to use them.

Please, let us know, is it usable for you! Thanks.

On the other hand, you can use permanent tables for workfiles.
I did many times.

What is your special reason to use temporary tables for work files instead of permanent one?


Just remember than if you use a workfile, both programm (builder and reader) should run on the same machine. If not, you should be use a custom table as R42565 or R43500. And same thing if your work file should have some recoprds ( what does i mean by some ? i don't precisely know as it seems to depend on properties of your server).
even so, it work. We have do a example of that by reading the F42UI11 cache in a bsfn for EDI.
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