Update issue from XE to 8.10 with R42565 to a R55* ?



Well Known Member
Hi List,

A recent update still in Test mode was made at the current client from XE to 8.10. The print invoice program (R42565) was copy in XE to a R5542565 a few years ago. In the 8.10 environment, our R5542565 isn't working anymore after the upgrade as some business views seems to have changed.(Ex: V4211J). We don't get any results anymore while trying to print the invoices. Looks like we will need to rewrite this R5542565.

My question is more to find out if some peoples as encountered this kind of situation and what was done to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

We are currently going through our 8.10 upgrade from XE. We have encountered such issues where base UBEs have been copied as custom UBEs that use views/tables that have been modified. Most of our reports have been quick fixes by opening the R55s in OMW and validating the event rules. Most SARs have been fixed by the added functionality being added to the original NERs. In your case, you may find a few NERs that have been deleted. Some other key fields may have also been deleted. The latter is harder to detect becuase they may not necessarily show up as event rule errors. I would start by validating the event rules and go from there. This tactic has been quite successful so far for us. Hope this helps.

I Eric,

If you ER Compare the code between XE and 8.x - you will notice they are significantly different. Additionally, the underlying Busineview and tables have (or may have) changed, as well.

Here's what I did:
* copy the Base R43565 to R5542565
* Save and Check-In the R5542565
* Use Boomerang to copy the object from XE to 8.x
* Use 8.x's ER Compare to compare (and merge) the checked-in or saved version of the base code - into the XE versio that was boomeranged over.

Yes - you could directly ER Compare the boomeranged object against the R42565. However, the old habit of using the same name.. hasn't grown cold.

RETROFITTING the UBE is a pain. There have been so many changes in the logic (entire sections replaced by a function???) - it's a lengthly process.

Holler if you need more!

HI Daniel and list,

Thanks for the tips. What do you mean by 'Use Boomerang' in some steps you describe?


Boomerang - is one of several tools that has been developed for code portability. You install the application, thereby can import and export code across E1 installations (not just pathcodes, but tranfer from machine to machine).

You can review more at:

There are other ways to make code portable, within a migration (OCM Mappings to from the 8.x to the legacy deployment) - but Boom would be my choice.

One of the big bennies of boom is the backup/recover aspect. You can offload your custom code - and always have it available with the very simple steps of an import.

Holler if you need more!

I would be glad to help with more details, if you are interested...
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