UBE that lists table details


Reputable Poster
Is there a UBE that will, for a given table, give me the Table design details (Field description, Type, Length, Alias, Data Item, Indexes) etc?

OneWorld Xe,Update 2, WIN2K, SQL Server
Hi Matt,

There is an interactive application, what can do all - at least on XE.
Currently I haven' connection to any system to help you more specifically.

I remember, that this APPL requires some additional OCM entry to work on XE. The ID of the APPL is P98100 or P89100 or something similar, and there was (is?) a white paper on the support site about the required OCM enries too.

I know, this topic was more then once published here, on the Forum, so please, try to check the archives - I'm sure, you will be find it.

If your "Table Spec Explorer" works, then you can export the information to Excel, And/Or investigating this not too complicated APPL and its BSVWs with Designer, you will be surelly able to create your custom UBE, which fits to your needs.

Let us know, how does it go. Thanks.

Thanks Zoltan. Yes I know about the Application P80010 which lists the field names etc.
I ended up using SABridge which exports the table details to an Excel file though this does not include the indexes.

Thanks once again,
Matt, if you take a form exit you will be able to see the indexes. Hope this
Personnaly, I use OneAssist for all my analysis needs.

This is the best tool I have seen so far to do what you want and more. You can interactively drill down in any object in a hypertext manner (using mostly the right click) without having to actually edit the objects.

You can download a trial here:
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