UBE Running Locally or on Server


Is there a way to know if a UBE is running locally (on a fat client) or
on a server ?

Thank you
If its running LOCALLY (on a FAT-FULL Client) you will NOT see it on the list of P986110 list of Submitted Jobs. If it is run on the server, you will see it listed there. Each submission of a UBE will create an entry in the log of the UBE kernel and so you'll see it in related log file.
Hi Falah,

The only way I know, to create a custom batch tracking table in the System data source.
You can store there:
- UBE Id
- Version Id
- Start and End Date / Time stamp
- Batch status
- Error code
- Environment
- User Id
- Machine name (MKEY)
- etc.

Further you have to modify the UBEs accodingly, which you want to track - to manage the table entries.


Do you want to know "internally" - i.e. the UBE program itself wants to know if its local or not, or "externally" - you want to know where its been running?
The UBE itself needs to know where it's running (i.e. while it is running).
Thank you

Larry_Jones wrote:
Hi Falah,

What about to get the local computer ID (machine key) and check, whether does is exist / declared as a LOGIC server?


Hi Falah,

Your report should call the BSFN GetAuditInfo, and
look if the MKEY exists in F9650 (Machine Catalog) or
F98611 (Database Datasources) as a server.
If so, it's a server; if not, it's a workstation/citrix.
Thank you Sebastian !
Instead of searching F98611
can you do the following in a function that will be called by the UBE:

#if defined IAMASERVER
// We are running on the server
// We are running on the client

Do functions always run on the same machine that the UBE runs on ?

Thank you

Sebastian Sajaroff wrote:
Hi Falah,

Yes, you can use the IAMASERVER trick though it won't
tell you the name of the server or workstation your
UBE is running at.

The advantage of your trick is that you will save a
disk access to fetch the record from F98611.

BSFN execution depends on the OCM mapping for that
server, user group and environment, it could be on
the same server or on some other box; so : check the
OCM before assuming anything about where it will execute.