Transportation for Direct ship orders


Active Member
Hi List
Its an urgent need, some quick response would really help me.

This is to use transportation for direct ship orders. For Direct shipment orders, there is a need to check whether my carrier has charged correctly for the freight(I arrange a carrier to pick goods from supplier location; Carrier invoices me, not the supplier).

Is the following situation possible:(thought on following lines):
1) A route is set up from supplier location(origin) to customer location(destination)
2) Now this is to be setup as an inbound freight and the system should know its a freight rate for direct ship orders.

I set a simple route with my supplier as origin and customer as destination; Attached a rate also to this route.

What i am not able to do is point 2 said above. Can anyone explain please?

Or can anyone explain me steps involved in setting rates rates to handle direct ship orders, so that when i raise a SD order, on form exit i can see the routing info?

Thank you very much.
I guess thats because you think direct ship is a purchase order from your view. JDE will handle direct ship as a sales order (SD = Sales Direct).
You should perhaps setup an outbound rate instead of an inbound one.