*Today in Xe


G'day - Data Selection in World offer *Today functionality date data selection.
Our version of Xe does not seem to support it - although I see a SaR which appears to address the issue.
Can anyone confirm if this Sar will only cover *Today or allow us to also use integer functionality (*Today -7 say, to pick up all dates over provious week)

OW report writer allows you to set date selections by using the mathematical and system functions. To allow for selections based on an offset of today's date, you would need to add code similar to this to the "Initialize Section" event of your report:

VA DataSelectionDate = add_days(PO Offest Days, date_today())
Set User Selection(BC Date, <Equal To>, VA DataSelectionDate, <and>)

Obviously, this is nowhere near as simple as in world.


Tim Edwards
UBE Data Selection on Today’s Date
Knowledge Garden Document ID ott-00-0060

1. Create a Report Header Section. Make it invisible
2. Insert a Date variable in the section. Change the name to Today’s Date. Make this a Global variable
3. In the DO section, assign SL DateToday to the variable.
4. This variable is now available to be selected in the Data Selection’s right-hand section
I think a better solution is to add a processing option (and use this in data selection).

If this processing options is blank you fill it with todays date in the 'initalize' even rules of your driving section.

This gives more flexibility.

We have done this a few times on the pick slip (R42520) to be able to pick only via night batch what should be picked.

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