Table insert in Application


Active Member
I have an application which I have created from scratch with a new table(which is the business view). The appl works in letting user entering data to the new table.

User entered 10 items into it, it was all successfully entered into the table as its the businessvew itself. Problem now is, I need the data to be entered into another new table. So what I did was that I do the INSERT TABLE function in the ADD button. But seems like it only adds the first line that I entered and none of the other 9 lines.

Is there any way that I can solve it? My experience in customizing appl is pretty low as we dont customize appl much. Pls advice.

Best regards;
OneWorld XE B733.3
SP 13
Intel NT4-service pack 6A
Service Pack 2
Hi Lisa,

Do you mean "the INSERT TABLE function" as the "Insert" Table I/O event rule operation?

You haven't mentioned that what kind of form type do you use.

If your form type is Header/Detail or Headerless/Detail then place your insertation logic into the "Add Grid Rec to DB - After" grid event.

Please, keep us informed. Thanks.

Good luck,


B7332 SP11, ESU 4116422, Intel NT4, SQL 7 SP1
(working with B7321, B7331, XE too)

Thanks for your suggestion.

Yes, you get the right form. Sorry that I didnt include what form I used.

ANyway, I did as you suggested and currently it runs as I expected. Thanks for the infor.

Another question:
In the Find/Browse Form, I would like to let user click on a Check Box and a report will run to update data into a table. But then, evertime when I click on that Check Box it will prompt me for default printer rather than running the report. DId I miss out any ER or is there anything else that I need to include. What I did was to call the UBE interconnect.

Pls advice.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards;
OneWorld XE B733.3
SP 13
Intel NT4-service pack 6A
Service Pack 2
Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the update.

Maybe I won't be able to help you in your next question but I am sure that it would be useful to provide us with some more information, like:

1.) Is your check-box on the header part of the Find/Browse form or on the grid?
2.) From wich event of wich control do you call the report?
3.) How do you start the report? (Event Rule sample)



B7332 SP11, ESU 4116422, Intel NT4, SQL 7 SP1
(working with B7321, B7331, XE too)
Hi Zoltán

Thanks for the reply.

Well, appologize again for not explaining in more details.

Anyway, what I did was creating a FIND/BROWSE form where user can browse the data. I did also let user to add data into it which calling another form, HEADERLESS form. The thing now is that I include a check box in the FORM(not grid) of the FIND / BROWSE. Then in the event rule I call the report using the UBE interconnection icon to call the repport with the version together. There is not much of ER that I did in the appl. Not even in the check box.

That is why I was wondering did I miss out any ER that I suppose to include in the checkbox?

Problem is whenever I click on the checkbox it will prompt me to select printer rather than running the report only.

Please advice.

Thank you very much.

Best regards;
OneWorld XE B733.3
SP 13
Intel NT4-service pack 6A
Service Pack 2

Thanks for the update and the clarification.
I remember that your issue with printer selection had been discussed at least two or three times on the Forum.
Unfortunately I do not remember the solution or the name of the thread.
Please, try to locate it in the archieves.
Maybe somebody will let you know the solution or point to the thread containing the solution. If not and you won't be able to locate the solution in the archieves then my suggestion is for you to open a new thread for this issue here, on the Developers Forum.

Good luck and excuse me that I couldn't help you this time :(


B7332 SP11, ESU 4116422, Intel NT4, SQL 7 SP1
(working with B7321, B7331, XE too)
Hi Lisa,
I think this thread may help you.
Call UBE [Post#: 26511 ]
Perform a search by giving "Call UBE" in the same Forum
Good Luck