Supply/Demand (P4021) not showing work orders above status 90


I'm trying to make work orders with a status of 91 and 95 visible on the Supply/Demand Inquiry (P4021). I've checked the Supply/Demand Inclusion rules and 91 and 95 are included. I've even made some changes (like adding status 45) to my inclusion rules to make sure it is updating. If I turn on 45, it works, but if I turn on 91 and 95 these work orders don't show. Is there something hard coded into the app that does not show above 90?
Mr Snapoli,

Yeah, hard coded in B3400310.c

The SQL ends up looking like this..

SELECT 'fields' FROM JDEData812.DBO.F3111 T0,JDEData812.DBO.F4801 T1,JDEData812.DBO.F4801T T2
( T0.WMCPIT = 'Short Item' AND T0.WMCMCU = 'Branch' AND T1.WASRST NOT IN ( '95','91','92','96','97','98','99' ) AND T0.WMCOBY = ' ' ) AND ( T0.WMDOCO=T1.WADOCO AND T0.WMDCTO=T1.WADCTO AND T0.WMDOCO=T2.WADOCO ) ORDER BY T0.WMUKID ASC.

Hope this helps
I have to ask, why would you do this?
It would make the quantity available calculation useless.
Thanks Craig. Glad to see you're well. Don't know why it has to be hard coded. You can set which WO status to include in the supply/demand inclusion rules, so why put hard coding in the inquiry?

Larry, the client wants a mechanism to find out which work orders are causing hard commitments on a certain lot/location record. Oracle suggests the Supply Demand is the only standard inquiry to show this.

Where does the need come from? They can't wait for the R3190 to run after hours (as Oracle suggests it's run), so they want to identify the committing work orders and clear the commitment from the parts list manually.

So we’re setting up a version of Supply/Demand that only shows work orders at status 90-95. This removes the clutter, only showing them work orders they’re allowed to remove the commitment for. The client suggests that just showing status 90 might be enough for them to get by.
Does anyone know if in World A7.3 there is a similar restriction with status codes?

you dont need supply and demand to do this

you can use Part list inquiry (P3121), there you can specify WO status
