Steve Jobs died today...



Legendary Poster
While this might not seem relevant to you, remember you are reading this post using a product of Steve Jobs imagination. Steve literally invented the "personal" computer - ie, a computer designed for the home user. Today is a sad day indeed. Without Steve Jobs, we'd all be RPG programmers....

RIP Steve Jobs.
Yes, sad indeed. Love him or hate him (as many of his employees did at the same time), he was a visionary. When I heard the news I had to watch old Bob Cringely PBS series Triumph of the Nerds. Worth staying up late. If you haven't seen it and are interested in the birth of the PC, seek it out. Better yet, read the book Accidental Empires.

A really good movie to watch is the TBS movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley". The movie came out in 1999, and was actually one of the main reasons I left JDE to pursue what I wanted to do outside the chain of a corporate infrastructure.

Secondly, on YouTube you can watch Steve Jobs' Commencement Speech for Stanford in 2005 - where he talks about dropping out of college, and making your future your own. He also talks about facing death - which is very poignant today.
For sure, a good movie I have tucked away in my "nerd" DVD section ... wedged between TRON and War Games.

Much of Pirates was taken directly from the Triumph of the Nerds interviews. Triumph of the Nerds