STAR Reports


Well Known Member
I am not really into STAR reports but I am just Wondering: I am running a
fixed asset report by group and I am not getting the Depreciation Rate
displayed on the report.

In our case the field FLADMP - Method % would be the depreciation rate. The
same rate for a group of assets

Should it be shown or should it not shown.


Marsh Rei Narewec
JDE400 Development, Training & Support
Steamships Computer Services
Papua New Guinea
Ph: (675) 322 0245


JDE/400 7.3 00009
Papua New Guinea
Opinions or Post I express are not from my employer

Check the STAR report writer manual (or section) in the FA user guide.
Then test for yourself.

Check also your definition of the field size for printed output (length
and number of decimals) in the column specs.

Colin Hugill
(World A7.3 cum12)
FW: STAR Reports


Just remembered - what depreciation method do steamships use? Is it an
annual depn rate% or periods? May make a difference!

Check your records by printing a small selection (via STAR) showing all
possible rate types/methods/percentage etc.

Colin Hugill
(World A7.3 cum12)
Re: FW: STAR Reports

Thank you collin. I'll do just that.

Marsh Rei Narewec
JDE400 Development, Training & Support
Steamships Computer Services
Papua New Guinea
Ph: (675) 322 0245

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JDE/400 7.3 00009
Papua New Guinea
Opinions or Post I express are not from my employer
G'day Marsh
There is a know bug in duplication of % data from the asset cost line in F1202(?) Fixed asset balance file to the depreciation lines created. The STAR report writer picks the information up from these lines (or the accumulated depreciation lines).

There is an update depreciation values program which will fix this (under menu G1231). However, this also has bugs.

Esentially you will need to apply JDE paper fixes to this program, run the program (read instructions carefully!) then apply the fix for automatic update going forward.

My last employer had this issue in A7.3.11 some of the fixes are not available til cume 14. So paper fix best option.

Lukim yu!

Tenk yu Andrew.

Marsh Rei Narewec
JDE400 Development, Training & Support
Steamships Computer Services
Papua New Guinea
Ph: (675) 322 0245

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JDE/400 7.3 00009
Papua New Guinea
Opinions or Post I express are not from my employer
Welcome Marsh.

Let me know if you still have trouble.

----- Original Message -----
From: "mnarewec" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: STAR Reports

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I am not sure that I agree with Andrew's statement, "..bug in
duplication of % data from asset...".

Only a few months ago I was writing some STAR reports under A7.3 cum12
and had no problems (the client had several thousands of assets).

Where I did have conflict was where an asset was depreciated using "life
periods" as opposed to a set annual percentage. Hence, my suggestion
that you test by selecting a small number of assets and print (ie via
STAR columns) the various methods and values (i.e. percentage, life
months, etc.) and also check your column attributes (i.e. print decimals
and whole numbers).

Marsh, please try using STAR more thoroughly before approaching the JDE
help desk.

Best regards

Colin Hugill

Andrew wrote:
"G'day Marsh,
There is a know bug in duplication of % data from the asset cost line in
F1202(?) Fixed asset balance file to the depreciation lines created. The
STAR report writer picks the information up from these lines (or the
accumulated depreciation lines).There is an update depreciation values
program which will fix this (under menu G1231). However, this also has
bugs.Esentially you will need to apply JDE paper fixes to this program,
run the program (read instructions carefully!) then apply the fix for
automatic update going forward. My last employer had this issue in
A7.3.11 some of the fixes are not available til cume 14. So paper fix
best option.Lukim yu!Andrew
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Colin Hugill
(World A7.3 cum12)

What was the final outcome on this post. Did you resolve the problem, if so would you mind letting all of us know what it was so we can benefit as well.

Actually I find a temporarily fix and able to give the user the report...a one of report

Maybe regarding the bug Andrew mentioned a previous programmer comented out the code that moves the Depreciate rate to output... I was able to remove that comment code and get report working for 'strangely' only certain "Major Class". It happen to be the Classes the user requiers so that's a quick fix.

Anyway, the problem is passed on to a senior Programmmer. I will let the List know if he corrects the problem.
Thanks for the update. Good to hear that while the problem is not a major hassle at the moment (but it still exists).
The problem has been fixed by the JDE Specialist just last week. I am not a programmer but I understand that he modified the program and now it is producing the result that was requested.
The Senior Programmer was able to fix it. He just made a one line code insertion and it able to fix it..

The probelm was associated when reading the V126300 during Mainline processing.