Standalone - Won't build Functions


Legendary Poster
Standalone - Won\'t build Functions

I have built dozens of 8.12 standalone VM(s) and never really had an issue. Always been able to compile functions and run everything without issue.

Then... I hit my latest standalone....

I compile a function - no errors
I try to run that function - I get a "Business Function Load Failed" error.
If I Build the function without the Suppress option - I get the warning "LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/WARN:3'; ignored"

OK - what have I done wrong with this Standalone?

Re: Standalone - Won\'t build Functions

Not sure about the business function compile, but the LNK4044 is coming from the linker, saying that the parameter passed in the link command (/WARN:3) is not a valid option on your C++ compiler.

Is your BSFN pointed to a custom DLL name?
Re: Standalone - Won\'t build Functions

Yes, it does point to a custom DLL.

Re: Standalone - Won\'t build Functions

I'm not sure yet. As you know, a new custom DLL in a normal installation requires a full package build before it will compile properly. I had thought that a fat client (and by extension, a StandAlone copy) would build and create the DLL when you compiled it locally.

I guess the first stupid question is: does the new custom DLL exist in your bin32 directory? If it does, I guess we'd have to turn on debug and see what the logs are complaining about ...
Re: Standalone - Won\'t build Functions

Yes, the DLL is created. When I put the UBE in debuglog, it just crashes past the function. When I put the function in debug, the error occurs, then the function gets skipped.

Re: Standalone - Won\'t build Functions

I am beginning to wonder if the Registry, INI or Paths got screwed during the Standalone Install....

Maybe I'll just build a new standalone (where's that original XP Disk, again)?

I noticed, that if in the BusBuild tool, I I clicked Build, then Compile - it will error, stating JDE.H is missing. Since JDE.H is in the system/include - that makes me consider that either the INI or Registry needs a little help. I'm just not sure where.

Re: Standalone - Won\'t build Functions (resolved)

OK, I found the error of my ways (and I will try not to stray from it)....

The Link Error is Bogus, at least from what I can determine within Standalone.

When I called the C Function, I got a "Business Function Load Failed" error. Immediately I went to rebuild, got no errors and went deeper into the build process. The build was just fine.

The name of the function within the C Code had a dangling 'S' (should have been 'COLUMN' - but was 'COLUMNS'. I found a document that noted the title of the function had to exactly match the way it is defined in OMW (and, in this case - I screwed up).

Yes, you can have Custom Business Function Libraries on Standalone (and they do build).
Yes, things work fine - when you get your spelling in sync.
