Specs in Debug don't match specs in OMW


Active Member
Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

Hello Again,
Has anyone ever experienced the situation when you go into debug(UBE) the specs you see do not include the latest modifications you made to the UBE?
I have looked at the Template specs and the version specs (in OMW)and both are as you expect them with the changes.
Another point is the correct ER executes when I run theUBE/Version.
I have tried deleting the DDTEXT, DDDICT, and GLBLTBL local spec files and still don't see the correct ER code in debug.
This happened one time at a different location and I ended up having to recode the UBE using a different name, and don't look forward to having to do that again.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

Did you make sure to right-click the UBE you're attempting to debug and select the option to 'Rebuild DIA'?
Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW


Sure... that's the way Debug works... When you first copy in specs, they get stored away... if you don't refresh the specs - you still have the old specs...

select the ube/appl that you are debugging (inside the debugger) and right click. Several options will appear. Select Refresh DIA (anyone know what dia is?). The debugger specs will be refreshed (only if they have been locally saved).


Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

Thanks for the reply. I actually deleted it and created a new entry.
I also tried creating a Adding a new version, copying a Version.
Same results.
Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

Just a long shot - did you check the UBE in before rebuilding the debug specs?
Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

Thanks, but unfortunately I did.
Keep the help coming, I really appreciate it.
Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

A few questions...

Is this a custom UBE, a copy of a JDE UBE or a JDE UBE?

Has it ever worked in debug?

Have you overriden any ER code on the version?
Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

It is a custom Financial report with 25 sections (mix of group sections and smart field sections).
The version specs have never been overridden and it has never worked in debug.
One more wrinkle....the last 3 sections, one smart field and 2 group sections are printing FIRST (with the correct values)!
Other than that :) the report works well.
Re: Specs in Debug don\'t match specs in OMW

Hmmm, well the only thing I can suggest is taking a look at the jde.log and jdedebug.log just after rebuilding the debug specs. There may be something prevented them building successfully.