slow login to solution explorer


VIP Member
Hi. It's taking about 1 min to login to solution explorer on a fat client. Response line has told us to upgrade to a higher SP since SP 16 contains the fix (as indicated in SAR 4955509).

It'll be at least 2 more months before we can upgrade to a higher SP.

ActivEraData is using P98MOQUE. All of the tables in Control tables and sys7333 are indexed.

Is there anything we can do to speed up the login time beside upgrading to a higher SP?

C Ho

Xe SP 15.1, update1
AS/400 V5R1 coexistant
CO on SQL 7.0 SP2 + hotfix
C.Ho :

Are your clients on Windows 2000?
In that case, check that JDE.INI has NetTrace=1

Sebastian Sajaroff
Re: RE: slow login to solution explorer


What does NetTrace=1 do for Win2k clients? I have seen instructions from JDE to change 'ConnectionPooling=0' for Win2k clients as part of the latest service packs...but nothing about NetTrace.

Thanks in advance.

Ryan Hunt
OneWorld XE; Update2; SP17.1_B1
AS400; V4R5
DS: Win2k SP2, SQL 7.0 SP3
TSE's: Win2k(SP2) & NT4.0(SP6a) with Metaframe 1.8
Re: RE: slow login to solution explorer

Also, add the /NoLogo switch to the path used to start OWSE.
e.g.C:\B7\system\Bin32\activConsole.exe /NoLogo
It reduces the network load on login by not displaying the splash screen as much.

OneWorld Xe Sp16_018, W2k, W2K TSE, SQL 2K on Compaq Proliant.
Check the network binding order of the services on your clients, and if
possible move client for Microsoft networks to the top of the list. Do
you also have slow browsing issues on your network from these clients?
And are you running novell?
Kieran Fitzgerald
Re: RE: slow login to solution explorer

We're on NT 4.

C Ho

Xe SP 15.1, update1
AS/400 V5R1 coexistant
CO on SQL 7.0 SP2 + hotfix
Re: RE: slow login to solution explorer

Thanks. It only reduced the login time by 25 secs. It takes about 40 secs to login now.

C Ho

Xe SP 15.1, update1
AS/400 V5R1 coexistant
CO on SQL 7.0 SP2 + hotfix
RE: RE: slow login to solution explorer

What network protocols are you running on your clients? Do you have the
novell client on your clients?

Kieran Fitzgerald
Re: RE: RE: slow login to solution explorer

We are on Novell Netware 4.11.

C Ho

Xe SP 15.1, update1
AS/400 V5R1 coexistant
CO on SQL 7.0 SP2 + hotfix
Hi List,

Any more suggestion on slow logins with Solutions Explore? We are running XEU6 SP19.1 on XP. All are fat clients. All of them work fine except one user. This user can login successfully after a full package deployment. After that every time they login it takes 10+ minutes. NETTARCE=1 and we have turned off the splash screen. Client has MDAC 2.6 and SQL client connection is tcpip. This user can login to another machine and everything works fine as well as the user can login into OW Explore on this PC and it works fine.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

The difference between oexplore and solution explorer is that
solution explorer references html files on the deployment server as far as I
am aware. You should test browsing to the deployment server and see if this
performs slowly also.
Kieran Fitzgerald
The solution explorer starts off with a HTML welcome screen. The location of
this HTML page is pointed to in the JDE.INI and by default this resides in
the B7333 share on the deployment server. Is it possible that either this
user has problems with the network mapping to the deployment server ? or is
it trying to load a HTML page with lots of graphics on ?


Andy Smith
Whitehouse Consultants
Win2K SQLServer7 Xe
Here is a simple thing that might help. Bopy that user profile to anther file then delete their profile form the pc and have them login and dee if this helps. Maybe the profile for that particular user is very large or is corrupt. Also have another user try to login on that PC and see how long it takes.
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