Shot in the Dark


Active Member
Hey guys,

I had something thrown on my desk today and had to pass it on to see if the minds of the world could assist me.

One of my projects is a custom application to determine their Target Stock Level. It was already ugly but now has become even more interesting.

What do you guys know about the Poisson Probability Distribution???

This probability formula is available in Excel so now the want to have it in JDE.

Obviously this in not in JDE right now (I'm sure its scheduled for B9)

Any ideas??

thanks much
There is a pretty straightforward summary of the Poisson Distribution at

the numerator of the formula is easy enough:

VA_Numerator=exp(-1*[VA rpt_Lambda])*pow([VA rpt_Lambda],[VA rpt_X])

The denominator is x! (X factorial) which you'll have to loop to calculate.

You'd probably be better off writing a C business function that calls a subroutine from a math library.

Xe SP 16