Server Package-Build fails ERP 8.10


Active Member
Yesterday i tried to build the first Full-Package on our new Deployment (Windows2003) and Enterprise-Server (AIX/Oracle). The Client-Package finished successfully, but the Server-Package fails. This Message was written to the jde.log:

3132/3144 Wed Jan 04 15:26:50.351 UTPrfMon.cpp582
error: System exception caught in method UTPrfMon::activate(); what() = .

3132/2620 Wed Jan 04 15:27:58.055 spkgclnt.c279
PKG0001008 - JDENET_SendMsg failed to send to ENTERPRISESERVER
JDENET Error: Connection failed.

3132/2620 Wed Jan 04 15:27:58.071 spkgclnt.c1980
PKG0005300 - Freeing structures on OXYPROD1 failed!
Unable to create a network message. JDENET error: Invalid message handle.

3132/2620 Wed Jan 04 15:27:58.071 spkginit.c903
PKG0002305 - Unable to load detail structures for package PDF0001A

3132/2620 Wed Jan 04 15:27:58.071 spkgeng.c210
PKG0000019 - Package Build Failed for PDF0001A.

Where can the Error be?

Thanks in advance.

There could be many different things wrong here. The first thing that jumps out at me is the failing connection.

Can you ping the ENTERPRISESERVER machine?

Does PORTTEST run on the ENTERPRISESERVER machine?

- Scott
I thought an Enterprise Server name was restricted to 10 or 15 characters. An old JDE limitation. Maybe PeopleSoft resolved it?
Good catch...I hadn't even thought of that. I seem to recall that it used to be restricted to 10 characters because of the iSeries.

Hmmm...anyone know for sure?

I doubt this is the reason for the package failure...but still interesting trivia.

- Scott

Security groups and users are restricted to ten characters. Server names also need to stay in the ten and under category. The glitch will show up in the package build and printing. The database fields associated with those will get confused with a server name that exceeds ten characters. We bumped into this a few years ago when we built a replacement enterprise server.

Gregg Larkin
JDE System Administrator (CNC) / North America
Praxair, Inc.
Sorry Guys, it was my fault

i forgot to start Oneworld on the Enterprise-Server

Now it works ;-)
Were you able to submit to the server any vanilla UBE and did it finish successfully?
1. Make sure there are no jobs on UBE kernels running on the server.
2. The name of the server seems to be the most possible reason here.
3. Do a tnsping from enterprise server on to itself to see if you have configured tnsnames.ora correctly, this will not show up from clients as error, but is used by the jdenet process on the enterprise server.