Server Build - Debugging...


Legendary Poster
Good Friday?

I am trying to merge a C BSFN modification from our Legacy JDE (SQL/B7331)
to our production (AS400/XE).

I have keyed the changes into the B4500050.h/c and built locally. Locally,
there are no errors, no complaints and the object(s) seem to run properly.
The modification were made to JDE standards.

The package builds successfully for the clients.

However, when we try to build on the 400(server) - the logs don't produce
any errors, but the PDF from R9622 states that the BSFN objects Spec Build
Status is 'ERROR' - and - the Pack File Build Status is Successful (kind of
an oximoron?)... None of the .log .txt files that are generated provide any
negative feedback.

We are not able to deploy the package (with errors) to the server -
sometimes we can, but not this time.

I have looked everywhere for something that will tell me what is wrong with
the C Compile - and can't find anything.

What do I need to turn on - that will provide a print out of what the 400
says is causing the error? I don't know enough about the server build
process to know what to turn on - to provide me the source code/error

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x
Do you have some comments in your BSFN ? If yes, how do you have declared
these comments (with /* */ or with **)
Because the AS400 C compile doesn't understand the /* extra-characters.
These characters are only use in C++. So you can compile locally but not on
your AS400 server.

Service Informatique RAVATE
Tel : 02 62 90 40 63
E-mail : [email protected]

Current Version : OneWorld B7332 Oracle, RS600
Work on :
Oneworld B7321, B7331, B7332, XE
Platform, UNIX, AS400, NT
Database : Oracle, SQL, DB2

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [email protected] [mailto:eek:[email protected]]De la
part de DBohner
Envoyé : vendredi 18 janvier 2002 17:45
À : [email protected]
Objet : Server Build - Debugging...

Good Friday?

I am trying to merge a C BSFN modification from our Legacy JDE (SQL/B7331)
to our production (AS400/XE).

I have keyed the changes into the B4500050.h/c and built locally. Locally,
there are no errors, no complaints and the object(s) seem to run properly.
The modification were made to JDE standards.

The package builds successfully for the clients.

However, when we try to build on the 400(server) - the logs don't produce
any errors, but the PDF from R9622 states that the BSFN objects Spec Build
Status is 'ERROR' - and - the Pack File Build Status is Successful (kind of
an oximoron?)... None of the .log .txt files that are generated provide any
negative feedback.

We are not able to deploy the package (with errors) to the server -
sometimes we can, but not this time.

I have looked everywhere for something that will tell me what is wrong with
the C Compile - and can't find anything.

What do I need to turn on - that will provide a print out of what the 400
says is causing the error? I don't know enough about the server build
process to know what to turn on - to provide me the source code/error

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x

Service Informatique RAVATE
Tel : 02 62 90 40 48
E-mail : [email protected]

I don't think you have the comments 'comment' correct. All of the JDE C
BSFN(s) use /* */ for comment - and they do build on the AS/400.

Perhaps the AS/400 doesn't recognize '//' as a comment? I had used the tool
'Beyond Compare' to merge the legacy modified BSFN with the XE BSFN.

After trying to build in several environments - and the build(s) not
providing any feedback - I hand keyed the merge lines in the XE BSFN... We
then did a build and it worked.

Thus far, only two things come to mind why the object didn't build. First,
on the legacy, there was a single comment line that started with '//'.
Second thing would be that the Beyond Compare merge had placed some hidden
control character somewere....

Anyway, after hand keying the lines - I do have a functioning


Also - how do we turn on a switch that prints the debuggable source w/
errors from the build? JDE's .log, .txt and .pdf from the build tell
absolutely nothing...

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x
Re: RE: Server Build - Debugging...

I thank that Daniel's comment is likely correct, as even though I am not coimpiling server functions on the AS/400, I do know that the AIX compliation has TWO differences to the compile on the PC.

1). Comments of // cause compilation Errors.
2). Include file names are CASE sensitive.


Peter Hamilton
B7332 SP14, Windows NT, Unix

If it is really a compilation problem on the AS/400, then you should look for a file <PKGNAME>/FAILED on the AS400.
It will contain a member B4500050 with the results of the compilation.


B7333 SP17.1 OS400 V5R1

I did look at the FAILED object(s)... there was absolutely nothing within
that suggested that the objects had errors or didn't build. I think this
was one of those issues where 'the process' just doesn't provide any useable
feedback... I had CNC/Developer folk looking at the build from many

We just don't know how to turn on the 'print compiler errors.'...


Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x
You're right.
I would to say that the AS400 doesn't recognize '//' as a comment and not
'/*'. Excuse me for this mistake, but
I wrote this message very fast before going at home because a cyclone comes
on the Reunion Island.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [email protected] [mailto:eek:[email protected]]De la
part de DBohner
Envoyé : lundi 21 janvier 2002 20:54
À : [email protected]
Objet : RE: Server Build - Debugging...


I don't think you have the comments 'comment' correct. All of the JDE C
BSFN(s) use /* */ for comment - and they do build on the AS/400.

Perhaps the AS/400 doesn't recognize '//' as a comment? I had used the tool
'Beyond Compare' to merge the legacy modified BSFN with the XE BSFN.

After trying to build in several environments - and the build(s) not
providing any feedback - I hand keyed the merge lines in the XE BSFN... We
then did a build and it worked.

Thus far, only two things come to mind why the object didn't build. First,
on the legacy, there was a single comment line that started with '//'.
Second thing would be that the Beyond Compare merge had placed some hidden
control character somewere....

Anyway, after hand keying the lines - I do have a functioning


Also - how do we turn on a switch that prints the debuggable source w/
errors from the build? JDE's .log, .txt and .pdf from the build tell
absolutely nothing...

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x

Service Informatique RAVATE
Tel : 02 62 90 40 48
E-mail : [email protected]
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