Server 2003


Well Known Member
Are there any sites that have upgrade to Windows Server 2003 for the deployment server or OneWorld Servers? I ask because the IT staff is on a very fast pace to upgrade all of the servers. Are there concerns or things that one should consider be moving the deployment server to 2003? thanks
We upgraded our test NT deployment server to Win2003. Really, it was a fresh installation. So far it's good and I like the Remote Desktop Connection.
During a package build you may get an error "You may not execute any of the OneWorld Development Tools on this Windows Terminal Server. Please do not attempt this action again." In such case, please create a local group OWDEVELOPER and add yourself there. After that open jde.ini file on the deployment server and add a line under the DEBUG section OWDEVELOPER=TRUE.
Hope it helps.

XE production
ERP 8.9 test

Senior Technical Consultant
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