Select and fetch next


Active Member
Its urgent

I have as section attached with V4211L view and
iam trying to Select and fetch next from F4074 based on some condition
But its not fetching the values into report values
can any one help me out in that
Can you post the ER from the section? or send the jdedebug.log?
Hi "milu753001",

Please, post the materials, that Craig asked for.
...and please, let us know, in which event of what kind of type section do you Select/FetchNext.

But its not fetching the values into report values

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How do you detect this?
Have you ever used ER Debugger?

By the way, I still wait a reply from you for a week in your "total on Line number" thread, that does the suggested tricky solution (in the BeforeLevelBreak event) works or does not for you? - but never mind!

Finally, would be great to attach your system/release information to your posts in the future - as do most of the Listers - as you can see.


F4211 is attached to section ,but to select a concession line price in f4211 iam fetching f4074

If Line type not equal to CN
RV price = BC price F4211
select(order number,company,line number,adjustment type)
Fetch next(price->RV price

According to data selection there r 4 different values but
F4074 value is not getting inserted
Hey thanls for that level braeak solution
Its the same report iam working .the result is perfect
The footer total is on a price field of F4211
but at the event of some condition we pick the price value from f4074 (in detail section) .Then this field values are
tataled in footer.

So i was simple logic :

If Line type not equal to CN
RV price = BC price F4211
select(order number,company,line number,adjustment type)
Fetch next(price field in f4074)->RV price
I'd be glad to help but really need the actual ER so we can see the what variables/values are being used for the Select.

The jdedebug.log would be valuable as well. There you can see the SQL that's being sent to the database.
Its urgent

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...but we are busy
Hi "milu753001",

Hey thanls for that level braeak solution
Its the same report iam working .the result is perfect
The footer total is on a price field of F4211 but...

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank, to let us know the result.
But in my humble oppinion, the appropriate place of this information is the original thread of you.

You know, when somebody searching a solution for similar problem on JDEList and locate that thread, then she/he will know immediately, that this works.


P.S.: I hope, your system/release
information isn't business secret
IF BC Line type = 'CN"

BC Document (Order No, Invoice, etc.) (F4211) = TK Document (Order No, Invoice, etc.)
BC Order Type (F4211) = TK Order Type
BC Order Company (Order Number) (F4211) = TK Order Company (Order Number)
BC Line number(F4211) = TK Line Number
VA rpt_F4074PriceAdjustmentType = TK Price Adjustment Name
F4074.Fetch Next
RV Price <- TK Amount - Price per Unit
RV Price = BC Amount _extende(F4211)
Hi "milu753001",

Please, answer some question, to let us to help you. Thanks.

Q1.) Is already assigned a value to VA rpt_F4074PriceAdjustmentType before the fetch?
Q2.) Have you ever debugged your UBE stopping at the Fetch and check the values in the selection and check F4074 record existence with UTB at all? If you have not done that, then PLEASE DO, and let us know your results. THANKS!
Q3.) In wich event do you Fetch?


P.S.: My eyes or my monitor should be wrong, because I do not see anywhere your system/release information (or is it really top secret?)

a) Incorrect value in Price Adj Type variable
b) Your data is not what you think it is. Check to be sure that there are not multiple entries for a Price Adjustment Type in the Price schedule (yes - this is possible).

Lastly, do what Zoltan asked and include your system config in your posts.
It looks OK. Now the questions:

What does the report output look like? Does RV Price ever get populated?

Is this in the DO SECTION event?
Is it a level break footer?

What is the value of rpt_F4074PriceAdjustmentType?

If you run this with Tracing turned on, I bet we could get the answer quickly in the jdedebug.log
Further questions:

But its not fetching the values into report values

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Q4.) Why do you suppose, that this is the problem? (e.g. because the value on the report is 0.0000?)
Q5.) Have you checked, that the required record exists and it has a non 0.0000 value?
Q6.) Have you tried to check the value of SV File_IO_Status sytem variable after the Fetch? If not, then try:

- place temporary a flag field RV on your section
- enter the following after FetchNext:
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
RV Flag = "Y"
RV Flag = "N"
End If

But tell the truth, much more easier to debug the report and you can collect much more info about the problem, if you debug it.

Read you later,

P.S.: would you please tell me, why opened a new thread for the same issue?
On the other hand, "Select and Fetch next" and "Fetch next" in the subject decribe your problem briefly and exactly
Also make sure that both the Select and the Fetch Next are using the same indices. I've had this happen before and the Fetch Next wasn't using the same index. I changed it and it worked fine.
1)ya assigned a value to it in the initialisation section
2) debugged its going inside the select and then also goes into fetch next but doesnot load the varriable.
3)we are fetching when line type in f4211 is CN and select
and data is there is data in F4074
Hi, milu

Just a hunch...

When you do the Select command you chose an Index from the Index list on the Select, right?

You must chose the same index on the FetchNext command, or it will not work properly.

What is your OneWorld version (Xe, 8.0, 8.10, 8.11?) What database (Oracle?)? Are you using Windows? Unix? AS400?

Depending on that information, different problems can have different solutions...

Best wishes,
NO its do section event in detail section
but iam totalling this price field in footer with ilen id as level break footer
Hi Marcelo,

What is your OneWorld version (Xe, 8.0, 8.10, 8.11?) What database (Oracle?)? Are you using Windows? Unix? AS400?

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Do not ask it! It is TOP SECRET!
I have already asked for his/her system and release information at least four times without success, so it should be really secret.
Maybe my responses to him/her will be also secret after a time - written with white ink on white paper

Hi Milu,

Are you there?

Please answer Marcelo's (and my previous unanswered questions also), if it is not a problem for you. Thanks.


Q n+1.) Check the value of SV File_IO_Status system variable in the debugger IMMEDIATELLY after the FetchNext executed - and let us know your results.
Q n+2.) Please, describe for us in a detailed manner, how do you make sure of, that the records are exists.
Q n+3.) Your selection is not unique, so let us know, how many records fit for the select and whether all have a non 0.0000 value in the affected field.

At this point I give it up, except you provide us with exact and detailed information, answering all the open questions.


but iam totalling this price field in footer with ilen id as level break footer

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Huhhhhh, what does it mean now?????
I am pretty crazy
and confused
confused.gif I gave it up at this point. Sorry

Everybody ask for the same information, everybody advise the same, what to do....

Maybe somebody will be so fortunate to be allowed to connect to Milu's desktop via remote access and will be able to solve this "really" mysterious problem
Hey Milu, be careful, do not let to figure out your top secret system and realease information

At last, but not least dear Listers,
Please, forgive me all of my posts in this thread, forgot and/or omit them. Thanks!

... it was a really bad day here in this thrad, so I have brought out my white ink at this point...
Zoltan - you be forgiven.... at least by these bored tired eyes.
