Screen freezes in A.92 after hitting any (F key)


This happens in almost any program. Here is an example.

Type UDC in the fast path. Inquire on 00/05. Change the action code to ‘C’. page down. Hit F2, then F7. Should still be able to function. Page up hit another invalid function key – perhaps F2 again, then F1, now F3. Repeat this process a couple of times and the screen will lock up. It isn’t in any particular program. It has happened in the Business Unit program, companies, UDC etct. Finance is where I have started the testing, so that is the programs currently in use (P0010, P0901, P0006, - don’t remember the program behind the UDCs). It seems to be after getting a series of errors, it just won’t freezes. It is usually at least three the first time.