Roles, task views, fine cut, etc.


I am going insane. I can fine cut and assign to a role. I can create a new task view. However, neither of those by themselves are giving me a task view with all the tasks I fine cut for a particular role. I have searched every document and white paper I can find and have not figured it out yet. Maybe I'm dense, but my end result is that I want to fine cut tasks for a role and have the results show up in a new task view. I'm missing some key bit of information here and I know someone can point me towards it. Thanks.

Welcome to Solution Explorer, fun, huh? One of the concepts that took me a while to grasp is that ALL of your menus are part of one big menu, the End-Users Tasks. You build your children menus off of that parent, and then use Fine Cut for each role to hide all of the other "branches" of the tree that you don't want your users to see. CNCs, Developers, and Appleads see all of the branches off of the End-User Task view parent menu. Your users will only see specific branches that you expose to them.

The other concept to wrap around is that you have to hide new branches. When you add a new branch to the tree, all other users who have that branch see the new branch. You have to take that new brach out of their view.

It takes some getting used to, for sure. I sent you a white paper off-line that might clear up some of the issues. Good luck.

Gregg Larkin
JDE System Administrator (CNC) / North America
Praxair, Inc.
How to create menu securities in JDE 8.9
I have tried by creating separate Tasks and "send to" option for copying tasks from the original tasks. But changes made to any tasks reflects on all other tasks.

Can you please send me white papers regarding fine cut in solution explorer.

Thanks in advance,

Enterprise 810, DB2 UDB , WAS
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