restrict data structure



How do I restrict the number of fields in a data structure?

I must admit that I am mystified as to why you would want to restrict the number of fields in a data structure. After all a data structure does not really change once it reaches production (apart from development modifications and fixes etc.).

It would probably be a good idea if you did the following:

1) Post what you are trying to accomplish.
2) Post your system configuration.
3) Read this post.
Hello peterbruce

Reality, I wish to increase from to 100 350 elements in the data structure be passed between workstation and server.
1) Why would anyone want a data structure of 350 elements?
2) When is a data structure passed between workstation and server?
3) Have you fully read peterbruce's email?
4) How long does it take to map 350 elements into a data structure?

Please be assured that we wish to help you with your problem
. However your problem does seem to be a bit unusual
. We therefore need as much information as you can provide. It may be possible that you are going the wrong way to solve your problem or accomplish what ever it is you need to accomplish. We therefore need the information we have requested in order to provide the help you want/need. It would also benefit you to read the post that was mentioned (click the link at 1 below). So, to re-iterate (rephrased a little):

1) Please read this post.
2) What are you trying to accomplish?
3) What is your system configuration (eg. see below)?
4) Why are you attempting to pass a data structure between workstation and server?
5) Why do you want a data structure of 350 elements?