R42565 - MOD


Dear all,
I am trying to modify R42565. What I want to do is: decrease space between address fields. What happens is that some fields (which appear just below each other grid set 4*4, snap to grid) are being merged and printed OVER eachother.
Does anybody know why this is happening??

Stan van Lammeren
OneWorld XE update6 sp20
The reason is because there are A LOT of hidden fields there, underneath the visible ones!
In order to re-gain control over this 'nice' UBE I've:
- increased the page width (used Custom) to 15"
- moved all the fields_not_to_be_printed on the rightmost side, including ALL the hidden ones!
- vertically aligned printable & non_printable fileds residing on the same line
- changed back the page size to Letter/Portrait
It took a while, but I was finally able to control even the SO Header's height, go figure!
I.e. IF RV AddressLine5="" then Hide(AddressLine5)
I wish you have fun,
Adrian Chimirel
The issue was that absolute position (section props) wasn't activated. Now, the field are not printed anymore over eachother.
Yet, I am facing the problem from which you described the solution; I want to decrease SO Headers height. I have still one question; How do you know what are the fields non-to-be-printed? And what causes the 'lock' on the height?

Kind regards,
To see the hidden fields, click on the section properties,
fields. Those with the "no" sign are hidden.

I found that, when moving these, changing the font color
of the hidden field, prior to making it visible, made it MUCH easier to identify which controls I was moving.

Be careful not to change the font color for the entire
section as it's easy enough to do.

Hello Stan,
Q: "What causes the 'lock' on the height?"
A: The existence of a non_hidden_control.
That is, if you have a/some control(s), on that section's last line (and the line starts from the left edge way to the right one, including the non_printable zone), the printed zone height is determined by this very controls.
If you hide those controls, the line will be ignored at print time, therefore the height will be shorter.