Purchase Order Approval Routings



Well Known Member
We are using A7.3 cume11 and are having some purchase orders automatically approved while everything about the po says that it should be attached to an approval routing. The F4209 which holds his information looks ok, but the order next status is approved. I know that if you do not exit the P4311 program with F3, the approval routing does not happen, but using the correct procedures, some po's still fall out and get approved without any intervention. Has anyone experienced any strangeness with these approval routings?
We have the problem of the purchase orders getting "stuck" and not going to
the person for approval. We are using A7.3 cum 8.
One thing we found; if option #27 and 28 are not set properly the po can
bypass the approval.

Max Warren
We have found that services/expenditure type po's will not follow the
approval routing if they are created with no quantities. As long as we use
the quantity and unit cost fields rather than simply filling in the extended
cost field, they seem to work OK.


Jon Curry
Farmers Co-operative Dairy Limited A7.3 cum 8

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8118
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3K 5Y6

Physical Address:
745 Hammonds Plains Road
Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada B4B 1A8

Phone: (902) 835-4005 Ext. 3155
Fax: (902) 835-1583
E-mail: [email protected]
Yes. If the PO is under the approval limit, in out case $2000, and the
buyer gets out of the order, properly, the status codes will roll. Then if
the buyer goes back into the order, and increases the value over the limit,
the status codes do not roll back, so the order will stay approved. If you
have the ledger on for PO processing, you will see this occur.

Rich Brown (A7.3 cum 8)
Hi - we are experiencing exactly the opposite. Orders that should be self approved are not advancing to the next status. If the buyer goes back in a makes a change, however insignificant, it then gets approved.

Anyone else seeing this?


We have the same issue, with orders not populating to the F4209, however if
you reinquire on the order and then make even an insignificant change, it
then flows through. I've pulled off SAR #4332053 which looks like the
right fix, but I haven't applied it yet. Hopefully that will take care of


Alissa Allard
A73. cum 9
Stimson Lane, Ltd.
email: [email protected]
phone: 425-415-3371