Problems with calling BSFN on enterprise server


We reported a lot of problems with our enterprise server. He are examples of our errors:

Communication wuth OWPROD2 (our enterprise server) failed.
Cleaning up environment.

Call to remote server OWPROD2 failed.
Running CDIST.DLL - F4312BeginDoc locally.

Here are some errors from our log files:

Enterprise server

834/545 Mon Feb 16 13:30:57 2004
JDEOBJ184 COB0000120 - Business function passed incorrect error map to CallObject!

834/545 Mon Feb 16 13:36:08 2004
JDEKINIT787 KNT0000036 - JDEK_ProcessInitEnvRequest: Remote CP=1252, Remote OS=5, Local CP=1252

834/545 Mon Feb 16 13:46:27 2004
JDEKNOBJ595 KNT0000068 - jdeCallObject failed for F4114EditLine


21432/2204 Mon Feb 16 10:17:20 2004
jdeknobj940 KNT0000069 - jdeGetRemoteMsgHandle failed for OWPROD2

21432/2204 Mon Feb 16 10:18:58 2004
jdekinit65 KNT0000015 - JDENET_CreateAssocMsg failed Error = eConnectionClose

21432/2204 Mon Feb 16 10:18:58 2004
jdeknobj940 KNT0000069 - jdeGetRemoteMsgHandle failed for OWPROD2

12656/13692 Mon Feb 16 14:19:44 2004
jdeknobj980 KNT0000070 - JDENET Error = eConnectionClose

12656/13692 Mon Feb 16 14:21:32 2004
JDEOBJ184 COB0000120 - Business function F4311EditLine passed incorrect error map to CallObject!

12656/13692 Mon Feb 16 14:24:35 2004
jdeknobj1144 KNT0000080 - JDENET Error = eTimeOut

12656/13692 Mon Feb 16 14:24:50 2004
JDEOBJ184 COB0000120 - Business function F4311EditLine passed incorrect error map to CallObject!

We are sure that this is not network issue. We checked our database and everything seems to be fine.

We tried to:
1) restart our servers - no luck
2) re-deploy full package on our enterprise sever - no luck
3) re-direct mapping of BSFN on another enterprise server - no luck

Any idea??

Big thanx in response.
I can telnet to server on port 6007 so our listener is working. But porttest doesn´t work. If I run PORTTEST with parameters JDE JDE PRD733 (our environment) I got this error:

Initializing of environment failed - rcode = 0
See host services check-list for setails.
Porttest failed.

Your quick response is very appreciated :).

Are you trying with security server on and JDE services running?
Try this :
First of all make sure your database services are Up and running and in the jde.ini of the enterprise server make sure
1. Security Server = <blank>
2. you have the same JDE user and password ([DB SYSTEM SETTINGS]) as at the OS level and in the database itself. Note the password is case sencitive

Run the porttest..
you should enjoy seeing the porttest run successfully. If not do buzz in again :)
Thanx for your help,

PORTTEST is funcional now - but still no luck with our problems :(.
Try logging IPC to see if you get more information

Under JDEIPC set ipcTrace=1

Is your CLSID correct for the server
Hi Coona,

1. VC++ 6.0 is installed on the enterprise server
2. You are able to connect to the enterprise server
3. If ur enterprise server also has the database server are you able to connect using the sql*Plus.

Are you using the security server?
As your porttest is fine now, it would be very helpfull to upload the log file for the specific error

Finally we found the solution.

All problems were caused by crashing JDE_NET processes on enterprise servers. Failure comes from wrong rows in table F986110 (Submitted Jobs).

I don´t see any connection between this table and crashing JDE_NET processes but OneWorld can see it clear :).

Once we deleted all wrong rows in this table system became stable.

Anyway - I want to THANK YOU for all your help and recommendation.

How did you find wrong rows in F986110 ???

Cause we have a big crash (BSFN Time out) with a BSFN on our production enterprise server !!!

Thanks a lot !!!
We deleted part of this table with our own report by mistake. We recovered lost data from redo logs from DB backup. But inserted rows were cropped to 4000 characters. Our problems began only minutes after this recovery but nobody noticed that there could be relation.

It could be probably some other table which can cause these troubles. I have red in some in this forum that some ESU (I don´t remember the number) can fix troubles with mapping BSFN in XE.

Hope this helps.
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