Problems in Sales Order Update pgm (P42800)


Well Known Member
Can anyone tell me if there are any white papers issued to correct programming errors with the P42800 pgm. We had a real wierd experience with our sales order update yesterday. The RPSTAM (sales tax) had an erroneous amount, yet the G/L record was correct. It appeared that an accumulator that is used when calculating sales tax is not being cleared.

For example, the taxable amount for one invoice was 1,785.00. The amount of tax calculated (RPSTAM)was 7,707,658,035.00, but the amount that hit the G/L file was 107.10. It only happened on a few invoices, but I think it happens if a taxable sales order is processed right after a sales order that could not be updated because it is on hold or errors occurred.

Has anyone experience this problem before? And if so, were you able to find the bug in the program or system flaw that caused it.

Thanks in advance.
We have what seems to be the exact same problem. We have an open call with
JDE on this and they STILL have not fixed it. They are trying to blame us on

Dale Draper
I have never had that problem before. There is a FAQ white paper on the
Knowledge Garden for P42800. Maybe you will find your answer there.
No we are not using vertex. As far as I know this is the first time this has happened since we started using JDE. Which was in 1998.

The tax appeared to dribble down, doubling, tripling as as each s.o. was processed.

For example,

The first s.o. with the wrong tax amount had $2.28, the next was $11.42, followed by $22.84, $68.51, 137.03 and kept growing from there, till it reached 2,466,450.00 & 12,332,250.00

None of these invoices kicked out either. But the correct tax was posted to the G/L record. Fortunately this cause an o/b condition and no update was allowed.

We did get 47 pages of s.o.'s that did kick out. They all had the same error: 0748 Tax Explanation Code Invalid. There was no data in this field and these sales orders should not have kicked out. In fact, when we reran the S.O. update, they got processed ok.

I went to the KG to try to find the white paper on this, but have not had any luck. I am about ready to give up on this and call it a fluke. I corrected the wrong sales tax amounts using DFU, so we could get the invoices updated and our reports processed. (You know how antsy managers can get, when they don't get their reports.)
Wow - that one sure is strange! We had some nasty tax issues with Vertex installed, and they sounded similar. We have been able to resolve them all, but it was mostly in the Vertex programs themselves.

Has this happend only the one time?


Diana_Apple replied to your post at the site: .

No we are not using vertex. As far as I know this is the first time this has happened since we started using JDE. Which was in 1998.The tax appeared to dribble down, doubling, tripling as as each s.o. was processed.For example,The first s.o. with the wrong tax amount had $2.28, the next was $11.42, followed by $22.84, $68.51, 137.03 and kept growing from there, till it reached 2,466,450.00 & 12,332,250.00None of these invoices kicked out either. But the correct tax was posted to the G/L record. Fortunately this cause an o/b condition and no update was allowed.We did get 47 pages of s.o.'s that did kick out. They all had the same error: 0748 Tax Explanation Code Invalid. There was no data in this field and these sales orders should not have kicked out. In fact, when we reran the S.O. update, they got processed ok.I went to the KG to try to find the white paper on this, but have not had any luck. I am about ready to give up on this and call it a fl!
uke. I corrected the wrong sales tax amounts using DFU, so we could get the invoices updated and our reports processed. (You know how antsy managers can get, when they don't get their reports.)
Re: RE: Problems in Sales Order Update pgm (P42800)

I stumbled across the reason why we had the trouble with incorrrect sales tax on the sales order update program (P42800). Some of our customers had been assigned sales explanation code "C", when it should have been "S". Whenever we updated those customers sales' orders, all orders following it would either have an incorrect sales tax amount, or would not process because the sales explanation code was blank (they should have been processed with w/o a tax). I did a query on our Customer Master (F0301) and found 4 customers who had the wrong tax explanation code, which explained why this problem with our sales order update did not occur on a regular basis. I checked back on two previous runs that had this runaway sales tax error and found that there was a customer with the wrong tax explanation code on those as well.

I haven't found the bug that causes incorrect sales tax to be assigned to orders that follow the sales order with the "C" tax explanation code. But at least I know what to look for when this occurs (which thankfully is rare).

I am going to put in a call to JDE to see if there is a SAR on it. I'll keep you updated on this

Dale, I hope this helps.