Printing and 10CPI for 132 column reports


VIP Member
I just bumped into something that has me a bit confused. As we all know, JDE ships their Dreamwriters/FASTR's/etc... "vanilla" reports, many of which have default of 10CPI and 132 char's wide. These values either will exist in the print file (the "R" file) or they are specified on the Printer Overrides for any given version.

For "years" (and I'm not kidding), I always thought it was odd that when printing any given report with these settings, that what got printed only occupied about 3/4 across the landscape of the piece of paper. (ie: it doesn't go all the way across the page). Reports with 15CPI/198 char settings look fine and go all the way across the page.

I was playing with some Dreamwriter report and I accidentally changed the CPI setting to 5 (from 10) and a 132 column report looks GREAT at this setting. It's a larger font and occupies the "whole" page as it should. I tried this with a WorldWriter report as well and it looks great.

So... the big question here is "where" is the problem? I'm not about to change all the print overrides for all reports to 5 especially when most of them come from the default "R" file in the first place (hence no Print Overrides are currently set). Is there something I'm missing on the Output Queue settings on the 400 that would improve this? I tried various printers (outq's) and they all printed the reports in the same appearance depending on my settings.

Anyone run across this or have any ideas??
I use 16.7 as cpi on 132 (portrait) and 162 (landscape) column reports on
8.5 x 11. The font comes out fine on both..

A73, c11, v5r1

I had tried to understand this years ago; I came to the conclusion that it really depends on the printer as to whether you get what you expect. The printer overrides get loaded into the LDA by P98315 or P983151, and then are used in the DW CL programs for the OVRPRTF command.

Should you decide you want to mass change the DW printer overrides for those reports that use the default, I know you can write a program to create the necessary records in the file(s) - if a DW version doesn't have overrides at all, I don't believe the necessary records exist for an update SQL statement. I may have something you can use, if you would like me to send to you.