Populating many records onto a Headerless Detail form's grid


Populating many records onto a Headerless Detail form\'s grid

I created a Headerless Detail form to achieve the following:
1. Populate the all data for a single field onto the grid
2. Allow user to select all or many records in the grid
3. Update a F0901 field with the selected data

I have not been able to make my form accomplish the 3 things listed above.

I therefore need help to enable me accomplish the above 3 things with my headerless detail form. I would appreciate your help in this regard.

Re: Populating many records onto a Headerless Detail form\'s grid

Frank, is this the same request as "Format Account" issue, if so, please try to keep conversation within the original thread. It makes it easier for Listers to follow.

Second, please be so kind as to add your configuration
to your signature. TOO often, issues are platform/release

OK - is your headerless detail over F0901, or some other
business view?

Is the column that you want to update, shown on the grid?

Is it that the user wants to fill in ONE VALUE, a form
control, select the rows in which that value is to be changed,
and press OK to have the selected rows update?

Is the update to F0901 to update many rows, or a single row?

Which of the 3 tasks doesn't work?

You can't load the grid showing the single column?

You can't get the grid row to update (from the FC?) ?

Grid rows don't update from the GC?

They can't select multiple records (on the grid properties,
check the select multiple)?

The fetch/update to F0901 doesn't work?

Sorry for all the questions.....

Re: Populating many records onto a Headerless Detail form\'s grid

I am using the business view V0901Q (which joins F0901 and F0006)
The column I want to update is shown on the grid; but it cannot load the values from the Business View column
My problem is to get ideas on how to get the grid column loaded, and have its values updated in the F0901.

System info: B7333, HP, Unix, NT server
Re: Populating many records onto a Headerless Detail form\'s grid

Is the column on the grid sourced from the BSVW?

When you say it "cannot" load from the bsvw,
do you mean you WANT it blank in the grid,
or that you want it loaded from the bsvw and
it's refusing to do that?

Which column is it?
Re: Populating many records onto a Headerless Detail form\'s grid

I have created a field called with data dictionary item ANS which stores the formatted account number. This new field does not get populated on the form's grid. It is this value that will be used to update the field in the F0901.

Hope this clarifies my position.
Further information ....

I created a database field with alias ANS to hold/populate the grid column data on the form and then update the F0901 field (ANS) with this data.

SYstem information: B7333, HP, Unix, NT Server
Update on the Problem

I created a Headerless Detail form and a database field with alias ANS to hold/populate the grid column data [that is generated from a custom-developed account formatting NER (called FormatAccount) onto the form and then update the F0901 field (ANS) with this data. My goal is to achieve the following:
1. Populate all the data for the single field (ANS) onto the grid column
2. Allow users to check a check box to select all records in the grid column
3. Update the ANS field in F0901 with the selected data

I have not been able to make my form accomplish any of the 3 things listed above.

I therefore need help from OMW gurus to enable me accomplish the above 3 things with my headerless detail form. I would appreciate your help in this regard.

System information: B7333, HP, Unix, NT Server