Performance Issues With DB2 UDB on Windows


We are migrating from MS SQL Server to DB2 UDB 8.1 Fixpak 1a Build 8318 on Windows. In our DB2 environment we are running Enterprise One (Xe) Update 3 and have SP22_I1 installed. Our Business Data (OW_PROD) consists of approximately 20G. We are primarily use HTML clients. Our DB2 server is approximately 4 times the size of the MS SQL server. In many cases our MS SQL environment can outperform our DB2 environment.

We have noticed that DB2 is unable to handle parameter markers well on the SQL prepare statements. All Enterprise One select statement appear to use prepare statements to allow the database to identify the access plan prior to executing the SQL statement with literal values.

Using the DB2 Explain tool, a simple Work With Accounts find in DB2 spends 35 seconds retrieving data with parameter markers. While the same statement with literal values takes 0.0006 seconds to retrieve data.

Another prime example is when logging into FAT client. A business function takes 16 seconds to return a value from the database. In the MS SQL Server environment it takes less than a second. Again - parameter markers are used.

Has anyone else on DB2 UDB running on Windows (regardless of the version of DB2) seen similar performance issues?

Is there anyone out there running, installing or testing DB2 UDB 8.1 on Windows that can confirm our issues?

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